Signs That Your House Needs A Pest Control

Most if not all people tend to use pest control but only when it is required which is usually more harmful in the long term. The unfortunate truth is that pests that tend to keep on entering your homes throughout the year usually remain hidden.

By the time that you start to see pests in your home, they would have already infiltrated your home without being checked at all. This is one of the main reasons that you should engage a Singapore pest control specialist to prevent pests from getting to a point of no return in your home.

Here are some of the important signs that your house needs a pest control service immediately

  • Visible Pests

If you can see that the place is crawling with pests then this is a big problem. You can further inspect for ants and termites along the foundation and baseboards, check the dark places in your home, particularly the kitchen or dustbin areas. If you happen to see any household pests like termites, cockroaches, rats, and occasional bed bugs then there are probably a lot more nearby. The truth is that you are a lot more likely to see pests that have been forced out of their colonies.

  • Formation of Mud Tubes or Nests

Pencil-sized mud tubes can be found wherever the ground meets your house or any other possible food source like a tree or shed. If you happen to see a nest, well, there is all the proof you need. You just stumbled upon some creature’s home. Sometimes you may come across a nest and not realize that’s what it is. For example, unexplained holes in furniture or walls are usually an indicator that something is living there. If you see this occurrence, then you may require commercial pest control.

  • Damage to Wood

If you encounter some damaged wood, you might have a termite problem. Termites are surprisingly destructive, and it does not take them long to cause a lot of damage. If you find evidence of termites, do not hesitate to call pest control. Waiting may end up costing you thousands of dollars.

  • Odd Smell and Sounds 

There are certain recognizable smells that pests give off. Experts claim that bed bugs have a sweet, musty odor. Mice tend to give off a musty, urine smell, and rats smell like ammonia. Roaches have been said to have an “oily” odor comparable to “fecal soy sauce”. The smell of garbage is also a bad sign because it can attract more pests. It is equally important to keep an ear out for the patterning of rodents’ feet. Rats and mice love to hide under floorboards or behind walls. You might often hear scratching on the walls, gnawing, squeaking, or scurrying. Larger bugs might also be heard if you listen closely.

Closing Thoughts

Getting rid of pests is not an easy task that you can do by yourself. The bug sprays available in the market are also not that effective, also calling in your trusted carpenter would not yield good results. Thankfully you can engage a Singapore pest control specialist to do a thorough job of making your house pest-free.

Jackson Lee

Ryder Jackson Lee: Ryder, a property manager, offers advice on managing rental properties, landlord tips, and insights on the rental market.

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