10 Important details to remember while performing pest control

Pest control is the ethical and right way of pest management. The techniques, tools, and methods used in pest control must be approved and permitted by the Government. Thus, most property owners prefer to choose local pest control companies as they are aware of the local laws for pest control. A professionally performed pest control goes a long way in keeping your house pest-free.

We have a list of dos and don’ts that you may be suggested by your pest controller beforehand. But, in case they skip to do that, you must know these basics to be on the safe side. Most of these points are shared by experts at Pointe Pest Control.

10 Important tips to remember while planning pest control:

  1. Keep your pets at a safe distance. One of the first things to do is keeping your pets safe at a distant place. Pets may innocently lick grounds and surfaces where pesticides have been sprayed. It is important to enhance the safety of the family, especially your fur babies.
  2. Inform your family of pest control in prior. Your family must know the time and date of pest control taking place. Perhaps, they can plan a nice lunch and dinner time together while you finish the pest control in their absence. People must avoid cooking in the same kitchen and cover everything.
  3. Cover everything from furniture to food. As discussed with you, you and your family members must be instructed to cover everything from food to furniture. Leaving your crockery open may get in contact with the pesticides that can be risky. 
  4. Do not consume the food that was unattended or open during and after pest control. If you have left any food opened or uncovered, discard it after the pest control. The toxic substances present in these pesticides may have contaminated or poisoned the food. Moreover, there could be dead pests in it.
  5. Remove clutter and unwanted stuff from your house. Before the pest control takes place it would be wise to remove the clutter and unwanted stuff from the house. Removing the obstacles, clutter, and moving around the furniture helps the pest control team to get a clear access to the hiding spots of pests.
  6. Keep your expensive belongings safe inside your locker. Rather panicking or doubting on strangers later, it would be wise to preserve your belongings and keep it in a safe place that only you have access to.
  7. Discuss environment-friendly pest control with your service provider. Discussing helps in knowing the work style of the pest control company. You must know if they follow ethical pest control practices and keep in mind environment safety too.
  8. Avoid staying too close to pest controllers during the activity. They take all the preventive measures, but you may also accidentally consume or inhale the toxic pesticides. Use mask or cover your face throughout the pest control process.
  9. Wait for the safe period until it is suggested by pest controller to step in with the family. Ask your pest controller the safe time to return home so that you can call your family and pets back.
  10. Inform your office about any leaves in advance for the pest control of your property. Another wise thing would be to inform your office about the pest control planned at your place. It will help you plan things in advance and enjoy the whole process with peace of mind.

Find out more about companies like Pointe Pest Control. They have a lot to share and discuss.

Jackson Lee

Ryder Jackson Lee: Ryder, a property manager, offers advice on managing rental properties, landlord tips, and insights on the rental market.

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